Professional license for property managers valid from 1.8.2018
Residential property managers and real estate agents are required to undergo regular training from August 2018. They must then complete 20 hours of training within a period of three years. In addition, managers must have professional liability insurance in the future. This is stipulated in the law introducing a professional licensing regulation for commercial property managers and agents, which comes into force on August 1, 2018. The notice of permission under Section 34c of the Trade Regulations (GewO) is available and can be viewed in the property management office after making an appointment.
"Der einzige Weg großartige Arbeit zu leisten, ist zu lieben was man tut.
Steve jobs
"Immobilien können weder verloren gehen oder gestohlen noch mitgerissen werden. Mit gesundem Menschenverstand gekauft, vollständig bezahlt und mit angemessener Sorgfalt verwaltet, handelt es sich um die sicherste Investition der Welt."